Gypsy's Family

Authors Illustrators Editors

To us, our authors, illustrators, and editors are like family. Below please find more information about the Gypsy Family!

Authors, Illustrators, and Editor Information

Meaghan Fisher - Author

Meaghan Fisher is a substitute teacher and a former nanny. She has over ten years experience working with children. Meaghan has a BS in Psychology and a Minor in Women’s Studies. She is a published poet and is currently working on her first novel. Meaghan lives in Troy, Ohio, with her husband, daughter, and their two dogs, Sadie and Lexi. BOOKS: Sadie the Skunk and Lars the Monkey Flies a WACO Airplane


Hope Rethman - Author

Hope (Hegemann) Rethman is a former third grade teacher. She took a leave of absence from her career to stay home with her children. During this time, Hope taught second grade religion classes for her local Catholic parish and wrote her first children’s book, God Gives Us Choices. She recently returned to the classroom as a intervention teacher. Hope resides in Maria Stein, Ohio with her husband and their four children. BOOKS: God Gives Us Choices


Steve Skinner - Author

Steve Skinner was born October 24, 1946 in Dayton, Ohio. He has been married to his wife Pat for 38 years, and they have three children. A Vietnam veteran, Steve attended Sinclair and Edison State Community Colleges. He retired after thirty years at General Motors and has also worked as an intake specialist at a juvenile corrections facility. He currently works part time as a security guard. BOOKS: Robert's Journey and Mugs and the Secret Society

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Nioma Stephan - Author

Nioma Stephan has been writing since junior high, when she first felt she could write a better story than the one she had just read. Her first book, Low Bridge, was published in 2005. She attended Edison State Community College. She has five grown children and lives in Piqua, Ohio.

BOOKS: The Cameo Effect and Low Bridge





Photo by Annette Kauffman

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Jon Williams - Editor

Jon Williams has a degree in English from Bowling Green State University in Ohio, with a minor in creative writing. He's been editing and writing professionally since 2000. He lives in his hometown of Troy, Ohio with his wife Brandi and their cat, Luna.

You can contact Jon at if you would like to use his service or if you have any questions.


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Marla Fair - Illustrator

Marla is a colored pencil instructor and has partnered with Meaghan Fisher to illustrate Sadie the Skunk. Marla Fair is also the author of five books including the Breakthrough Novel finalist Copperhead. BOOKS: Sadie the Skunk and Lars the Monkey, also check out for more information about Marla.



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Middy Mathieu - Illustrator

Melissa Mathieu (Middy) graduated from Savannah College of Art and Design with a degree in Fine Arts. She currently resides in Austin, Texas where she has been working on commissions both art and craft alike. When she is not drawing she is crocheting and enjoying Disney films. She generally works in digital media using Ilustrator and Photoshop, but will be caught red handed dabbing with Watercolor, Colored Pencil and Charcoal. She is always looking forward to her next creative adventure. Check out for more information about Middy.







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